

Eva I Zacharaki, Matsopoulos, G K, Panteleimon A Asvestas, Konstantina S Nikita, K Grondahl, H-G Grondahl. “A digital subtraction radiography sceme based on automatic multiresolution registration”. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, vol. 33, pp. 379-390, 2014.


Ntasis, Eythimios, Gletsos, Miltiades, Mouravliansky, Nikos A, Eva I Zacharaki, Christos E Vasios, Spyretta Golemati, Maniatis, Theofanis A, Konstantina S Nikita. “Telematics Enabled Virtual Simulation System for Radiation Treatment Planning”. Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 35, pp. 765-781, 2005.


Eva I Zacharaki, Stamatakos, Georgios S, Konstantina S Nikita, Nikolaos K Uzunoglou. “Simulating growth dynamics and radiation response of avascular tumour spheroids - Model validation in the case of an EMT6/Ro multicellular spheroid”. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 76, pp. 193-206, 2004.
Eva I Zacharaki, Matsopoulos, George K, Panteleimon A Asvestas, Konstantina S Nikita, K Grondahl, H-G Grondahl. “A digital subtraction radiography scheme based on automatic multiresolution registration”. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, vol. 33, pp. 379-390, 2004.
Eva I Zacharaki, Stamatakos, Georgios S, Nikolaos K Uzunoglou, Konstantina S Nikita. “Stochastic modeling and validation of growth saturation and radiotherapeutic response of multicellular tumor spheroids”. Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2004.


Eva I Zacharaki, Matsopoulos, George K, Konstantina S Nikita, Stamatakos, Georgios S. “An Application of Multimodal Image Registration and Fusion in a 3D Tumor Simulation Model”. Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference 2003 (EMBC{\textquoteright}03), 2003.
Eva I Zacharaki, Matsopoulos, George K, Konstantina S Nikita, Stamatakos, Georgios S. “3D image registration and fusion tools in simulating tumor evolution”. Proceedings of the 3rd IASTED Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing, 2003.


Stamatakos, Georgios S, Dimitris D Dionysiou, Eva I Zacharaki, Mouravliansky, Nikos A, Konstantina S Nikita, Nikolaos K Uzunoglou. “In Silico Radiation Oncology: Combining Novel Simulation Algorithms with Current Visualization Techniques”. Proceedings the IEEE, Special Issue on Bioinformatics: Advances and Challenges, vol. 90, 2002.
Mouravliansky, Nikos A, Matsopoulos, George K, Delibasis, Konstantinos K, Eva I Zacharaki, Panteleimon A Asvestas, Konstantina S Nikita. “Image Registration Based on Lifting Process: an Application to Dental Imaging”. Proceedings of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering, EMBEC{\textquoteright}02 - 2nd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, 2002.


Stamatakos, Georgios S, Eva I Zacharaki, Nikolaos K Uzunoglou, Konstantina S Nikita. “Tumor growth and response to irradiation in vitro: a technologically advanced simulation model”. International Journal Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, vol. 51, pp. 240-241, 2001.
Stamatakos, Georgios S, Eva I Zacharaki, Makropoulou, Myrsini I, Mouravliansky, Nikos A, Marsh, Andrew J, Konstantina S Nikita, Nikolaos K Uzunoglou. “Modeling Tumor Growth and Irradiation Response in Vitro: a Combination of High Performance Computing and Web Based Technologies Including VRML Visualization”. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 5, pp. 279-289, 2001.
Eva I Zacharaki, Panteleimon A Asvestas, Matsopoulos, George K, Delibasis, Konstantinos K, Konstantina S Nikita. “An automatic registration scheme based on similarity measures: an application to dental imaging”. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2001.


Stamatakos, Georgios S, Eva I Zacharaki, Makropoulou, Myrsini I, Mouravliansky, Nikos A, Konstantina S Nikita, Nikolaos K Uzunoglou. “Tumour Growth in vitro and Tumour Response to Irradiation Schemes: A Simulation Model and Virtual Reality Visualization”. Radiotherapy and Oncology, vol. 56, 2000.